Reading List

Ardent team members frequently speak to business groups across the United States. During our presentations, a number of tools are offered to afford business owners the opportunity to immediately put our process to work  for them by enhancing their ability to make more informed decisions regarding their business, and in turn get their desired result.

If you would like information about hosting or attending a workshop, please contact us by email or phone.

Suggested Reading

The Hard Things About Hard Thinks by Ben Horowitz  Amazon

Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.  Amazon

Small Unit Leadership by Col. Malone Amazon

The Connected Company by David Gray Amazon

Zero to One by Peter Thiel  Amazon

Boomerang by Michael Lewis Amazon

The Next 100 Years by George Friedman Amazon

Good to Great by Jim Collins Amazon

The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes Amazon

CEO Tools by Kraig Kramers Amazon

Drive by Daniel Pink Amazon

Prosperity in The Age of Decline by Brian & Alan Beaulieu Amazon

Fish by Stephen Lundin Amazon

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim Amazon